Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Good Time

Are you tired of reading about our troubles?  An old friend once told me, "All times are good.  You either have a good time, or a good story."  That's the truth.  Good stories are more fun to write about, and we're generating plenty of those.  OMG.  I could tell you...sigh...

However, in the interest of balance, and just so you have an idea of why we're bothering with this "holiday", let me share some of the good times.

We've been able to snorkel about every two out of three days.   The boys have all become more comfortable and confident in the water.  Yesterday, Bit Boy, who previously told me that he didn't like water, especially deep water, raced me to a bouy, any stroke we wanted.  (I beat him by a hair, although I might admit to a bit of shenanigans to attain the win). Lego Kid is a natural underwater, swimming down to check out conch shells and interesting fish.  Even little Hot Dog, previously afraid to put his face in the water,  now confidently treads water off the back of the boat, over any depth.

Just a couple of days ago, during one of our "good stories", we needed all hands on deck to help sail the boat after the engine died.  (Again in a crowded harbour.  What's up with that?)  Both the older kids stepped up to the plate and helped manage the lines and steering, without (get this) complaint.  Wow.  I know, right?

And then there's this:

Sunset in Paradise
One big grouper (Graysby?) and a lot of grunts hiding under a coral
 We are getting to see so many things we couldn't see otherwise, other cultures, other wildlife, other geography, and getting to do it on our time table.  We're able to take our time to linger over the things we like, and brush by the things we don't.  Add to that the family game nights we're enjoying, and for the kids the extra time on electronics (kindle fire and nook) that they wouldn't normally get, and all are relatively happy.

And so there you go.  A good time isn't as much fun to read as a good story, but I wanted you to know that we're having them too. 


  1. I *love* reading about good times! It's great to hear how everyone is enjoying themselves. Beautiful photos. Harry asks about twice a week, "how long til Alex comes home? They're going to have a party as soon as they get back, right?" I'm explaining to him how adults have to actually unpack and recover from vacations, unlike kids.

  2. Ok, Dying here to know when you are coming home. Seems like you've been gone 6 weeks. Right?!

    Also, it just occurred to me that if I were stuck in a confined space, in the ocean with my husband and three children for this long it wouldn't be pretty. I need Pete to have a job. I need him to go to it on a regular basis. I need my children to play with their friends. I need MY friends.

    Speaking of which, I miss you and need you to come home...soon.

    Much love to you all, be safe and have fun!!
